Short Bio



As a child, I was curious about everything. My favorite question, that I completely wore out by age 8 was "Why?" 

Fast forward a few years, after college working as an Electrical Engineer designing control systems for sanitary napkin machines for Johnson & Johnson.

You Want To Buy A House?, That's Funny

I has a little bit of a mid-life crisis financially, when I tried as a young adult to buy my first house. I would have to double my salary to afford a house. I repackaged my skill set, and became a freelancer.

Highly technical documentation was one part of my job that I really liked, and contrary to most engineers, I wrote great documentation. I left the corporate work for a higher-paying consulting gig for AT&T and never looked back.

Documenting the "Future"

Riding the wave of technology from desktop publishing, to online help files, and the birth of the internet, the task was always the same - organize messy information into a usable form.

While documenting complex networking software for a client, ahead of the developers actually, I created the interfaces and flows that did not yet existing in code, and the developers loved it. Instead of documenting what "was", I was documenting "what was to be".

With a strong programming background, and a general knowledge of human-computer-interaction, a user experience pro was born.

I'm armed with a black belt in worry, and I graduated with honors from Murphy's Law School. People have said "If there are 100 ways for a project to go wrong, Chris can find 98 of them before they ever happen."

I've done a variety of jobs from valet parking, selling ice cream, to playing drums in a rock band - and even on a dare, tried standup comedy - and survived.

I spend my youth trying to fit in, and now spend my time instead trying to stand out.
